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To the women around the world, we’re celebrating you and all that you do. With strength, courage, and vulnerability, you keep the world turning and inspire us constantly. This one’s for you.

International Womens Day has been around for a long time now — and while a lot of progress has been made, there is still a ton of work left to do for women to achieve equality around the globe. Who are some women (or women-led organisations) that currently inspire you?


Absolutely, two huge inspirations who have paved their way and charged forward no matter the challenges in their career paths, are Jane Goodall, and Sylvia Earle. Jane Goodall, known for her passion and dedication to great apes, and speaking up for wildlife on a global level, throughout the last 50 or so years there has been so much change, destruction and challenges, especially for women in wildlife conservation. Sylvia Earle, has had an amazing career and been an incredible voice for our seas. Both of these women are now in their 80’s and really standing up for our earth stronger than ever as of late  


Women supporting other women is a huge part of how we can empower the surf community to thrive in an inclusive way. Tell us about another surfer (or two!) who excites you right now.


I love to see the up and coming girls pushing the boundaries of innovation constantly, two of my favourites to watch are Sierra Kerr and Caity Simmers, they are both fearless and unique in their styles, its awesome to see. The next generation is coming strong, in full force and abiding by no rules or social “ standards “ that used to limit how female surfing was portrayed. I love it.


You're a keen supporter of the Balu Blue Foundation. Can you tell us a little bit about this organisation, and why the conservation of marine and land-based environments is so important to you? 


The protection of our seas, and all animals has always been of utmost priority in my own career, and passions. As a surfer, and a free-diver, my life revolves around the sea it is only natural for me to want to protect it. Being able to build Balu Blue Foundation from a small local community tackling things like local marine pollution, to a larger community that has global support, is a dream that although we have already achieved so much, I feel is just getting started, We are currently focusing on completing a new mobile app, to assist with wildlife rescue in Australia, and collecting data on wildlife hotspots to aid in protection, which will be combined with new educational measures in 2023 for our marine animal, and land-based animal friends. Moving forward we have larger goals in marine wildlife rescue, habitat protection and community awareness, that we hope to achieve with larger scale support in coming years. I will always continue to advocate for many animal, wildlife and marine conservation causes in my personal life, as it is a huge passion of mine. 


How do you elevate yourself and others in your communities? 


I love the joy that the ocean brings our communities, we have so many like-minded people who care for the place they call home. I always make an effort to smile and say hi to new people in the surf, share the stoke for seeing animals in the water diving or snorkelling, or introducing myself to other wildlife carers, who may need assistance at times. 

How do you elevate yourself and others in your communities?


Being present and complimenting others! I love getting to know people I meet on the beach or in the water and point out something I love :)


How you are connected or emotionally connected to the foundation you are choosing as your beneficiary?


I grew up in a place most people call "paradise" but growing up here I knew from a young age its not "paradise" for everyone. That is why I chose and support the essential project who supplies everyday needs to underprivileged children in Hawaii.

IWD has been around for a long time now — and while a lot of progress has been made, there is still a ton of work left to do for women to achieve equality around the globe. Who are some women that you are currently inspired by?


There are a lot of women to be inspired by, but I would love to talk about Malala Yousafzai and her work advocating for girls' education and women's rights. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for girls' education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Her work is focused on creating a world where every girl has the opportunity to receive an education and achieve her full potential. She has made a significant impact in the fight for women's rights and gender equality. Her bravery and determination in the face of adversity are truly remarkable, and her dedication to empowering girls around the world is incredibly inspiring.


Women supporting other women is a huge part of how we can empower the surf community to thrive in an inclusive way. Tell us about another surfer right now who you are super impressed by.


Stephanie Gilmore! She is an inspiring athlete and role model for many. She has won multiple world titles and has consistently displayed incredible skill and style in our sport. Seeing her and witnessing her win her 8th world title last September in Trestles was truly awe-inspiring. Beyond her accomplishments on the waves, she’s also an advocate for women's sports and works to promote gender equality in the surfing world. Her determination, passion, and grace make her a true queen of style, both on and off the board. She is a true inspiration to anyone who strives to excel in their chosen field while also making a positive impact on the world around them.


Can you share a little bit about your work with the Coral Gardeners, and what compelled you to partner with this specific organization?


Growing up on tropical islands was a truly unique and special experience for me. It allowed me to explore and study the beautiful reef and the fragile ecosystem that surrounds it since a really young age. As a surfer and someone who has always been passionate about the ocean, I feel it is my duty to protect it and educate others about its importance. That's why I have chosen to partner with Coral Gardeners, a foundation dedicated to preserving and restoring coral reefs around the world. Their mission aligns perfectly with my own. Coral Gardeners is a group of passionate and dedicated individuals who are committed to restoring and preserving coral reefs through the use of innovative techniques and education programs. They work tirelessly to plant new corals, remove invasive species, and engage local communities in their efforts.


So tell us about your relationship with surf.


Surfing has always been such an important part of my life. My dad taught us how to surf when we were kids, and it was something we all did together. We connected as a family and developed a huge connection to the ocean. She's incredibly nurturing and from a young age I felt compelled to always be very close to the water. Surfing is what took me travelling across the world alone at 17, exploring far flung places carefree and fear free, just in search of consistent waves, warm waters and that feeling of pure joy and happiness. A feeling of freedom.

I competed in the surf tour across Latin America in my early twenties, and won the UK pro surf tour 2012, which was hugely exciting for me as I'd dreamt of surfing professionally for my entire childhood. I didn't stay in the competition world for much longer after this however, for a few different reasons, but surfing was still at the epicentre of my life and decision making. I wanted to be able to enjoy the freedom and tranquility that first drew me to the sport, surfing is very much a form of meditation for alot of us, and it was time for me to concentrate on chasing good waves and new dreams.


Documenting travel and adventures was such a pleasure for me, chasing light, meeting people, interacting with new cultures, and it continues to be so exciting for me. I love the feeling of getting lost, going down roads with no idea of where they'll lead to, paddling out at new breaks, searching for that excited but a little bit scared feeling in your tummy. Photography has never felt like a chore, but completely the opposite, it's a way to see so much beauty in everything.

There's so many amazing details that sometimes we can overlook in a faster paced environment, but photography makes you slow down and appreciate what is around, see beauty in the smallest things and it evokes a continual feeling of gratefulness within me. It's such a pleasant experience, whether shooting landscapes or people, you can get lost within the moments. It's a beautiful way to interact with new people and get to know them. There's a sensitivity to it, an emotional connection. It's been so important for me to live my life doing something that I love, that is my passion, and that brings happiness and joy to the people around me.

I am so very grateful to have photography as a creative outlet- this way I can create the best that I can for my clients in an authentic way, and really live for my purpose. The passion I have for surfing and photography have intertwined beautifully, I think they compliment each other so well, like a match made in heaven. It's a free-flowing, creative and happy relationship, kinda the dream right? Haha.